Adventure Camps for kids, yoga & beer for adults, and climbing for all!!

Summer is in full swing and N3C is packing in great activities for everyone! Keep reading to learn about the great stuff we have planned for the next week.

Yoga and Beer-North Country Climbing Center-North Country-N3C-Rock Climbing-rope climbing-bouldering-adventure-climbing lessons-aerial silk-yoga-outdoor guiding-New Hampshire-wilderness-outdoors-rock wall-White Mountains

Asanas and Ales (in other words yoga and beer!)

Friday, July 15th, 6:15pm – 8pm (or so…)

Sometimes events are better than the sum of their parts. Yoga is good. Beer is good. Yoga + Beer is AMAZING! Our awesome instructor has crafted a unique all-level yoga class to go specifically with delicious beer. You don’t need to be an amazing yogi or a beer connoisseur to enjoy this evening –  it’s ideal for anyone who is interested in exploring a lighthearted, fun, good-times yoga practice & local beer from Shilling Beer Company (plus some tasty, yoga-friendly snacks).

What more could one want than awesome yoga and tasty brews?
Cost $25
Please call 603.838.5300 to secure your spot, space is limited. Must be 21 to enjoy brews.

There’s still time to sign up for N3C Adventure Day Camps

July 11-15 & August 1-5

These are the day camps that we wish we had been able to go to as kids! Hiking, climbing, rappelling, outdoor skills, etc. In other words: 8am to 4pm of awesomeness!

Kids can be signed up for individual days or the whole week.

More information here.

Summer Saturday Session on 7/16

Our Summer Saturday sessions are perfect for those climbers who are looking to firm up their outdoor climbing skills. Each lesson will focus on a specific skill and give participants a chance to climb great routes while learning new things. Families are welcome! Preregistration is required.

These great sessions start at 10am and provide climbing and instruction through the mid afternoon (3pm or so).

$60 per person or a 4-pack for $200.

N3C Summer Hours

Monday, Wednesday, & Friday: 3pm to 10pm
Tuesday & Thursday: 10am to 10pm
Saturday &Sunday: 10am to 6pm- 
Yoga at N3C
Mondays: 5:30pm to 6:45pm – Vinyasa Flow
Sundays (time TBD)- Gentle Yin Yoga
There are three important addendum to these hours:


  • We will be open extended hours when the weather is bad (just keep an eye on Facebook for updates!)
  • As always, we are happy to open earlier for special events and groups. Just call in advance!
  • As always, if no customers are climbing at N3C 45 minutes prior to our posted closing time, we might close early. If you are planning to drop in for a short climbing session after 9:15pm on a weeknight, please just call ahead and we will be sure to keep the gym open for you.