Grand Opening Celebration
N3C first opened its doors to the public exactly two years ago today: October 21st, 2014. On that Tuesday evening, a great crowd turned out for our Grand Opening Celebration! We pulled out all the stops to show off our brand-spanking-new climbing gym to the world: we had delicious food, live music, climbing demonstrations, and even a visit from our State Senator, Jeff Woodburn. It was an awesome way to kick off a new grand adventure.

The following Saturday, October 25th, we held an all-day open house, when anyone who wanted could come and try out climbing for free. Our first day of normal operation was Sunday, October 26th, 2014.
It’s fair to say that things were a little hectic during those first days: we had just finished construction of the front desk, supplies like ropes and shoes and harnesses were still arriving, our understanding of how to set up (let alone use) our point-of-sale system was tenuous, and we hadn’t finished setting all the routes we wanted to have ready for folks.
But we had built a great facility, had a dedicated and adventurous staff, and we focused a huge amount of effort on providing a great experience to everyone who came in to climb, whether they were professional climbers or beginners who had never put on climbing shoes before. And people came in and climbed with us and, for the last 2 years, have continued to come back and climb with us.
Celebration Time!
We are exceptionally thankful for the amazing community that has embraced the North Country Climbing Center and we are kicking off our 3rd year of operations by harking back to those early days of N3C. We have grand things planned for all day Saturday, October 22nd. During our normal business hours – 10am to 6pm – we will have an Open House with free cupcakes and free climbing for all. It’s not a problem if you don’t have any gear – we’ve got you covered. We will even belay you. Limit 3 free climbs.

We are also offering amazing deals all day: our first ever clothing sale (20% off all N3C tee shirts, hoodies, caps, etc.) as well as NO INITIATION FEE for new members.
The party will really kick off when the climbing ends at 6pm. A delicious dinner of pizza from Franconia’s Mojos To Go comes first, followed by cake. (You can’t have a celebration without cake, right?!?) Finally, at 7pm we will bring down the big screen and show the 10th annual REEL ROCK climbing film festival. Reel Rock 10 includes films about some of the most spectacular recent climbing accomplishments, from alpine climbing in Patagonia to big wall free-climbing in Yosemite to high ball bouldering all over the place.
It should be a fantastic day of celebrating. We look forward to seeing you there! (Did I mention that all of this is free?)