Monthly Billing During Closure

By temporarily ceasing operations, we are doing our part to slow the spread of COVID-19 in the North Country. We are now in the challenging situation where we face an uncertain future. We are looking forward to a day in the not-too-distant future when we can responsibly reopen.

In the meantime, we are leaving it up to you, our members, to determine how much, if anything, you would like to be charged while we are closed due to the pandemic. You are unable to make use of your memberships, so we completely understand if you feel it is best to be charged nothing. At the same time, it has been incredibly heartening that some members have reached out and requested that they continue to have their membership billed to help us cover expenses while we are not open.

Please use this form to let us know how you want your membership to be handled.

If you are interested, a different way you can support us is by buying a gift card (which never expires) –

    Monthly Billing Decision

    While the gym is closed, I would like N3C to charge my account:

    My regular monthly rate.$10 per month.$5 per month.Nothing ($0 per month).Other (describe below).

    Primary Member Information

    Date of Birth

    Family Memberships (only answer if applicable)

    I would like all members charged to this account to be billed in the same manner.

    YesNo - provide details below

    Anything Else?